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You expect your home’s furnace to keep you warm during the chilly winter months. Furnaces are designed to last 18 to 20 years, sometimes longer if you stay on top of maintaining them. The last thing you want is for your HVAC unit to go belly up in the middle of a snowstorm. 

Knowing the signs of when to schedule an emergency furnace repair appointment can prevent disaster from occurring. Stop more serious issues in their track by being proactive and catching a problem before your furnace completely shuts down. 

This blog will discuss the top four signs you might need to contact an emergency furnace repair company. Noticing the warning signs can ensure your home stays comfortable throughout the winter months. 

1. Your Furnace Is Making Noise

It’s normal for your HVAC unit to make some sounds while it’s operating. Your furnace might be noisier, depending on the model and age of the system. Most people can tune out normal furnace sounds while it’s running once they get used to the noise. 

Furnaces will typically emit a click or pop once they turn on, followed by a low hum. Your ears will likely pick up when your furnace begins to sound different than it usually does. Examples of unusual noises can include:

  • Buzzing
  • Humming
  • Screaming
  • Clanking

A noisy HVAC unit could signify various problems. Not addressing them right away could result in serious damage to your system. 

What Causes Unusual Sounds?

Loud noises coming from your furnace could indicate that there are loose or broken components. Some of the other reasons your HVAC unit is being louder than normal might include:

  • Faulty blower motor
  • Broken heat exchanger
  • Dirty burners
  • Dysfunctional ignition 
  • Loose fan belt
  • Electrical problem

An experienced AC and heating tune-up technician will identify what’s causing your furnace to make loud noises. They’ll fix the issue, making recommendations for repairs or replacement. 

2. Presence of Water 

It can be scary if you notice puddles accumulating around the base of your furnace. The type of furnace you have in your home can determine where the water is coming from. 

For example, high-efficiency condensing furnaces produce some water. Conventional furnaces shouldn’t make any. Your HVAC unit should have a label on the outside letting you know what type you have.  

Puddling water around your furnace can be scary. It can also cause many issues, such as:

  • Bacteria and mold growth
  • Poor air quality 
  • Headaches
  • Water damage to your floors and basement 

Leaving standing water untreated can have catastrophic results on your entire home. 

Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water?

There are several common reasons why your furnace might be leaking water. Frequent causes of puddling water might include:

  • Clogged air conditioner drain
  • Water condensation 
  • Frozen coils
  • Broken heat exchanger
  • An issue with the furnace humidifier 

Get a furnace and AC repair free estimate right away if you notice water around your furnace. 

3. It Isn’t Blowing Hot Air

The primary function of your home’s furnace is to heat your space by expelling warm air. It’s a sure sign of trouble if your HVAC unit is failing on that part. A professional HVAC repair company will diagnose what’s going on with your furnace if it’s blowing cold air or no air at all. 

The reason your furnace isn’t issuing hot air might be a simple one – the thermostat could be set to a low temperature. Your thermostat might need to have its batteries replaced. If the problem isn’t remedied by checking your thermostat, you might have a more serious issue. 

Filter Problems

You might need to change the filters in your furnace to get it performing properly again. A dirty and clogged air filter can prevent the warm air from flowing easily throughout your system. Your furnace might have a harder time circulating the air in your home. 

Outside Air

Your furnace’s ducts can wear down over time. The ducts are often placed in areas of our homes that aren’t heated. That means they get exposed to extreme fluctuations in temperature all year. 

Temperature changes can cause weak spots in your furnace’s ducts, resulting in a leak. Other things that could cause ducts include:

  • Improper previous fixes
  • Unhooked ducts
  • Fractured ductwork 

Cold air can get sucked into your faulty ducts while the warm air escapes. The air coming out of your furnace will be cooler than normal. 

4. Weird Smells

Strange smells coming from your furnace are a guaranteed sign you need to contact an emergency repair company. There are several unpleasant smells that might emanate from your furnace, signifying a more serious issue. 

Rotten Eggs

You might notice a slight gas or rotten egg smell from your furnace when it turns on. That’s because your furnace lets off a little gas as it comes on.

You shouldn’t smell gas throughout your home the entire day. If you do, you might have a gas leak. 

Burning Smell

Your furnace might let off a burning smell when you turn it on for the first time. This is due to dust accumulating in the unit over the summer and it burning off when you turn it on. However, that smell should dissipate fairly quickly. 

Burning Plastic 

The smell of burning plastic or rubber could indicate that you have an electrical issue. Your furnace’s motor might be running too hot or you could have a cracked heat exchanger. These problems need to be remedied immediately. 

Get a Free Estimate for Emergency Furnace Repair in Nashville

You need to act fast if you start to notice signs that something is wrong with your furnace. Waiting to schedule an emergency furnace repair appointment could result in your house being without heat when you need it the most. Setting up a routine heating and cooling maintenance schedule will help keep your HVAC unit running efficiently all year long. 

Have you been searching for “hearing and cooling near me” in the Tennessee area? Lanham Mechanical Contractors is one of the leading heating and AC companies in Nashville, Goodlettsville, and Hendersonville. Call our office today to schedule a consultation for a free furnace estimate. 

(615) 880-8879