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As the US grid comes under additional pressure, power outages are becoming a bit more common in recent years. In 2022, the American household had their electricity supply interrupted for 5 1/2 hours, on average.

You could also live in a city where hurricanes or bad weather provoke additional power outages, which is a significant inconvenience.

This is especially true during the hot summer months in Hendersonville, TN. One common question homeowners have is whether they should turn on their air conditioning (AC) unit immediately after a power outage in Hendersonville, TN.

This article will explore the potential risks and AC safety tips for managing your HVAC unit during and after a power outage to ensure the safety and longevity of your HVAC system.

Understanding Power Outages and Their Impact on AC Units

Power outages can occur for various reasons, including severe weather, grid failures, or scheduled maintenance by utility companies. When power is suddenly cut off, your AC unit, like other electrical appliances, stops working abruptly.

You might be thankful that your phone is fully charged and you are at least connected that way. But your appliances don’t like this sudden change in power, since it can affect their internal wiring.

Once power is restored, it’s essential to consider the following factors before turning your AC back on:

Power Surge Risks

When power is restored, a surge of electricity can occur, which may damage electrical components within your AC unit. This can lead to costly repairs or even require a complete replacement of the unit.

System Overload

If everyone in the neighborhood turns on their AC units simultaneously after a power outage, it can cause an overload on the power grid, leading to another outage or further damage to electrical systems.

Mechanical Stress

Abruptly restarting an AC unit after an outage can put additional mechanical stress on the system, particularly on the compressor, which is a critical and expensive component of the AC unit.

Steps to Take to Ensure Power Outage Safety

When you notice that you have a blackout in your neighborhood, you need to move into action mode instantly. Don’t dilly-dally since this could result in your appliances being ruined.

Turn Off Your AC Unit

As soon as the power goes out, turn off your AC unit at the thermostat. This helps prevent damage from power surges when electricity is restored.

Unplug Sensitive Appliances

Besides your AC unit, unplug other sensitive electronics and appliances to protect them from potential power surges.

Keep updated with local news or your utility provider’s notifications to know when power restoration is expected. This information can help you prepare for turning your AC unit back on safely.

Maintain Comfort

Use alternative methods to keep cool during the outage, such as handheld fans, opening windows for ventilation, and staying hydrated. If the outage occurs during extreme heat, consider seeking temporary shelter in a cooler location, like a friend’s home or a public facility.

Your city might have additional solutions set up for residents if the blackout goes on for too long, so keep an eye on the news. That’s why it’s important to have a few portable phone chargers on hand that are fully charged always. This way, you are always at least connected on your phone.

Steps to Take After Power Is Restored

Once power is restored, wait at least 15-30 minutes before turning your AC unit back on. This waiting period allows the power grid to stabilize and reduces the risk of a surge.

Check for Damage

Inspect your AC unit and other appliances for any visible signs of damage. Look for burnt smells, unusual noises, or visible wear on electrical components. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, contact a professional HVAC technician before turning the unit back on.

Gradual Restart

When you are ready to turn your AC unit back on, do so gradually. Start with a higher temperature setting and slowly lower it to your desired comfort level. This gradual restart helps minimize mechanical stress on the system.

Long-Term Preventive Measures

You can also think long-term when it comes to blackouts, especially as they might become more common in the future with extreme temperatures, natural disasters, and other factors creeping up. Here are some to consider for your home.

Surge Protectors

Invest in whole-house surge protectors or individual protectors for your AC unit and other critical appliances. Surge protectors can help shield your equipment from power surges, extending their lifespan and reducing the risk of damage.

Regular Maintenance

Schedule regular maintenance for your AC unit to ensure it is in optimal working condition. Regular checks by a professional HVAC technician can identify potential issues early and ensure that your system is prepared to handle power fluctuations.

Backup Power Solutions

Consider investing in a backup power solution, such as a generator or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system. These can provide temporary power to essential systems, including your AC unit, during an outage.

Ensure that any backup power solutions are installed and maintained by professionals to guarantee safety and effectiveness.

Energy Management Systems

Smart energy management systems can help monitor and control your home’s electrical usage. These systems can automatically shut down non-essential devices during an outage and restart them safely once power is restored, protecting your appliances from surges and overloads.

A smart thermostat would be a good idea to add to your household as well. There are many good ones available on the market nowadays.

Understanding Power Outage in Hendersonville, TN

Getting a power outage in Hendersonville, TN is becoming more common. Hot and humid summers in the city make a functioning AC unit crucial for comfort and safety. Understanding the stability of the local power grid and typical causes of outages can help you prepare and respond effectively.

Lanham Mechanical Contractors provides 24-hour HVAC service by trusted experts to prevent Hendersonville power issues. Don’t leave your HVAC system’s functioning up to chance. Let us bring 30 years of experience to optimizing your system.

Set up an appointment today so your HVAC system doesn’t fail you in your time of dire need.

(615) 880-8879